Keep the towpath Public

The Canal and River Trust has got a survey on bookable moorings.
National Bargee Travellers Association London (NBTA London) believes that bookable moorings on the towpath are another way to take away the common land that IS the towpath from everyone. Towpath should be shared with all and not reduced to only people that can book a mooring.

Bookable moorings are one step to chargeable moorings. This is shown in their question in the survey where they ask if people are willing to pay for bookable moorings.

We should not let the towpath be turned into a business.

NBTA London are willing to work with CRT to explore the possibility of making bookable moorings on the offside but the towpath is for everyone.
Keep the towpath public!

Please fill in CRT’s questionnaire. The closing date is Friday 26 August, so please get it done as soon as you can.
Here are our suggested answers to some of their questions.

Q6 asks if there’s anything else you think CRT could do to improve boating in London- we suggest people include the following demands: more facilities, more mooring rings, stop reducing mooring times to less than 14 days.
Q7 asks if you go to london, how long do you think you would moor your boat but it only gives you options up to 7nights- we suggest people do not choose the max of 7 nights or anything less and to write in the ‘other’ box, ‘no longer than 14 days as specified in law.’
Q8 asks if there’s anything else that is important to boaters for cruising round london- we suggest people reiterate the following demands: more facilities, more mooring rings, stop reducing mooring times to less than 14 days.

Q9 asks if people want to pay for short-stay mooring spaces in london. We suggest you tick ‘no’.